Fa USA2me - Mail Manager

Mail Forwarding Manager

Online Mail Management

Mail Manager
Every Mail Forwarding Account comes with access to your own Mail Manager Interface. You will be able to log in to your USA2Me Mail Manager Account to see the contents of your inbox, request shipments, discard your unwanted items, or order a scan of that urgent letter. Additionally you will have access to your billing and historical information. Finally you will be able to set your customized account and shipping settings.
Manage your Inbox content
Access your mailbox manager and see photos of all the items in your inbox.

From there you can easily request shipments or scan orders. Or even discard your unwanted or junk items.
See Details of your Items
Click on any of your inbox items to see an HD photo of your item.

Also, see weight, dimensions and comments details. Enter value, description and country of manufacture for custom's purposes.
Access your Order and Billing History
With your online mail manager you can access your prior shipping orders, account statement, scanned files, and account history

Track your packages easily.
Control your Account Settings
Modify your account settings.

Set shipping preferences such as frequency and repacking. Change your personal information. Add additional names, payment methods, and shipping addresses to your account.